
7.0 Templates

This module uses template files (.tpl) containing Smarty (http://www.smarty.net) version 2 compatible tags.

Four (4) templates for administration.

Template Function
contact_about.tpl to display the module About page. The contents populated using this template is highly influenced by the XOOPS ModulesAdmin class.
contact_contact.tpl to display the contact (message) information. The template loops through each contact (message) and displays the relevant information based on module settings.
contact_index.tpl to display the administration Home page. The contents populated using this template is highly influenced by the XOOPS ModulesAdmin class.
contact_logs.tpl to display the logs request form and the subsequent results.

One (1) template for the “front side” form:

Template Function
contact_index.tpl displays the “Contact Us” form. The template may be edited through Admin -> System -> Templates -> Contact Us.

One (1) template for the “block”:

Template Function
contact_block_stats.tpl displays the “Contact Statistics” block. The template may be edited through Admin -> System -> Templates -> Contact Us.