XOOPS Documentation Series¶
Module SmartFAQ¶
for XOOPS 2.5.7¶
User Manual¶
© 2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
Module Purpose¶
SmartFAQ, as you would probably have guessed it by the name, is a Frequently Asked Questions system for XOOPS 2.5.7 web sites. Compared to other FAQ modules, SmartFAQ offers exciting functionalities that will help communities to quickly and easily build a complete FAQ system for their sites. Here is some of the features of SmartFAQ :
- Users can request a Q&A
- Accepted requests are published in the Open Questions section.
- Users can see, in the Open Questions section, the questions that are yet unanswered.
- Users can propose answers to these questions.
- When an answer is approved, the Q&A is published in the Q&A section.
- Each Q&A can have other information like a 'Did you know?' and 'How do I?' statement.
- These statements can be randomly displayed in blocks, along with a link for the complete answer.
- Q&A can be linked to a specific module or a specific URL.
- If such a link is made, the Contextual Q&A block will display contextual Q&A relatively to where the user is on your site.
- At any time, users can submit a better answer for a Q&A that already has an answer. This newly submitted answer will obviously need to be approved by a moderator.
Figure 1: Main view of the Module Admin side
Download/Fork the Module
You can fork the module --> here)
How to Contribute¶
You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to Gitbook.io automatically when the main repository changes.
Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.
Table of Content¶
- Overview
- Administrators Guide
- Install/Uninstall
- Administration Menu
- Import Function
- Operating Instructions
- Guide for Users
- The module index page.
- Category Summary - text link
- Category Summary - link Last Q&A published
- Category summary, Sub-category - link last Q&A published
- Last published Q&A - link
- Categories, Subcategory -text link
- Open question menu - link
- Request QA menu - link
- Submit a Q&A menu - link
- Blocks
- Did you know? block -More details link
- Random question block answer link
- How do I ... block answer here! link
- User Icons
- Entering Content.
- Notifications
- Notification template examples
- Module Credits
References - SmartFAQ Workflow Charts
- Applications
- Dublin Core Metadata
- XOOPS Content Management System
Unless specified, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)