
1.0 Install/Uninstall

No special measures necessary, follow the standard installation process: extract the module folder into the


directory in your XOOPS installation. Install the module through Admin -> System Module -> Modules.

Detailed instructions on installing modules are available in the Chapter 2.12 of our XOOPS Operations Manual

Module Overview

* Top** * Portfolio: List all result records * Course List * Quiz List * List: Titles, posted timestamps, stats etc * Results: Links exist only when there are relevant records * Simple View * Detailed View * Action: Delete buttons are available for admins. * Action: Edit or delete buttons are available for admins. * Portfolio: List all the results of the particular course. For admins data for everyone is displayed, but for users only him or her own data is shown. *

  • Administration Menu
  • Preferences: Site admins can set module-wide basic settings here.
    • Manage Quizzes: Module admins can manage courses and quizzes here.
    • Add Course
    • Course List
    • Add Quiz
    • Quiz List

How to install

Please read INSTALL.txt.

How to upgrade

Please read UPGRADE.txt.


If this manual does not solve the problem, feel free to ask me directly in the support forum of this module (http://www.awajis.net/xoopshp/).

Quick Start

  1. First create at least one course in the management section (Administration Menu -> Manage Quizzes).
  2. Start adding quizzes, with titles, quiz files to upload, and courses they belong to.
  3. To update the content of an existing quiz, go to the quiz edit page and upload another quiz file.
  4. If you have admin permission to the module, you will see Edit or Delete buttons in the quiz list view.