
1.0 Install/Uninstall

Server environment

In order to work, this module requires a classic Web environment: - PHP 5.5 and - MySQL 5.1 minimum. - It is further capable of operating with Apache 1 & 2 as well as IIS.  


The module is available in French and English, however it is possible to translate it into other languages, and we appreciate your help in doing so - you can join our translation team on Transifex  


The module is released under the GNU/GPL  


After unpacking the archive module, simply copy the contents of the archive in the modules directory of your site via an FTP program.   Then, go to the XOOPS Admin module to install it. After installation, the module is immediately operational! You can start with the set.

Detailed instructions on installing modules are available in the Chapter 2.12 of our XOOPS Operations Manual